The secret circle (2011)

Season 1 - episode 9

Aired: November 10th 2011
Title: Balcoin
Written by: Alessandra
Translated by: Robin
Edited by: Marcy

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Cassie shows her grandmother the parchment left behind by Calvin, but the woman doesn’t seem to be able to identify the written symbols; moreover, Jane looks confused, and for a moment appears to forget about Henry’s death.

Holden, Melissa’s cousin, has taken a 6-month break from college and hangs in town to give the girl emotional support for coping with Nick’s loss.

Faye is still devastated because of her grandfather’s death and, after having words with her mother, she takes refuge in the abandoned house; there come Jake and Cassie as well, looking for answers concerning the symbols. The guys discover something scribbled down on each sheet and, thanks to the new data they manage to reveal John Blackwell’s family tree.

Jake brings the other hunters up to date about the last finds: Cassie’s black magic takes its origins form Balcoin, a lineage thought lost, however survived under Blackwell’s name. Isaac thinks it should be a task of the Council to decide what to do, and plans to leave on the next day to make a report; in addition, he suggests Jake to follow him in order not to take the risk of being too much involved with the other members of the Circle.

Cassie asks Jake out for the Fundraising night, but the guy claims he’s not interested in her.

Faye pleads Adam to keep an eye on Jake: she also believes the guy is up to something.

Diana looks smitten with Holden, however, Melissa is worried since she thinks her friend is just trying to forget Adam playing with her cousin.

Dawn tries to get the crystal back from Charles again, but the man doesn’t give up and proposes instead finding a spell in Diana’s Book of Shadows for locating the other crystals; Dawn doesn’t think it’s the right time: the wrongs done on Henry’s body could have drawn the attention of the Elders.

Cassie tries getting information from her grandmother about her father’s family tree, but Jane is still confused and maintains she’s has never met any of the Blackwells.

Jake shows at the Blakes’ door with flowers to apologize to Cassie and invite her to the gala.

During the evening Charles has a little talk with Jane and notices how the woman seems to be fazed, to the point she mistakens Cassie for Amelia.

Jake leaves the party to meet Isaac, who asks him to take Cassie to the boat: the Council wants her alive to exploit her powers and to take her away from the others as soon as possible. The young man reaches the girl again and talks her into following him to his room, where he shows her some pages of his family’s Book of Shadows displaying the black magic and the horrible things the Balcoins are responsible of. The enormous power she possesses makes a target out of Cassie, so Jake asks the girl to run away immediately with him.

Adam catches from afar the view of Jake talking to Isaac: he’s now perfectly positive the guy is one of the Hunters, so he tries to warn Cassie with a text. The witch succeeds in walking away with an excuse and goes back home, just to discover there Isaac awaiting her, who drugs and kidnaps her.

Charles and Dawn are worried for Jane, who keeps on talking in a strange way of a past the man didn’t know about: she says to be happy to see them together and that she’s not fond just of Blackwell. Dawn smoothes over the events, she’s concerned for the effects of the spell on Jane and accuses Charles for it.

Jake asks the guys for help to save Cassie, who has been brought by her kidnappers on a boat made of ash, a material capable of blocking their powers. The teen attacks Isaac, letting the others guys on the run, while the Hunters’ boat puts to sea.

Jake is sure that the Circle will be able to use the powers in a constructive way and that Cassis will defeat the black magic within her, but Isaac has found other juicy details: the girl isn’t Blackwell’s only child.

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