Desperate Housewives (2009)

Season 5 - episode 22

Aired: May 10th, 2009
Title: Marry me a little
Written by: Francesca
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy

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Jackson and Susan are in Susan’s bedroom and Jackson is putting his things in there so that the immigration would think he lives there. Jackson tells Susan he’s very grateful to her for what she’s doing and she tells him that he can repay her by buying her a wedding cake. Jackson tells her he’ll throw them and engagement party but, when Susan starts joking about all their friends knowing it was just a sham wedding, Jackson tells her they can never tell anyone they’ll have a fake marriage or immigration might find out. Susan agrees.

The day after, Susan and Jackson go to Mike’s and Katherine’s house to announce they’re engaged and they’ll get married the following Monday. Katherine is ecstatic now that Susan will be out of her and Mike’s lives, while Mike is visibly shocked… so shocked that, watching Susan and Jackson from his window, he suddenly decides to ask Katherine to marry him. She agrees happily.

At Susan’s and Jackson’s engagement party, Jackson is talking with Orson and Dave. Dave somehow takes the conversation to the night of the fire, and Jackson reveals he will have to go testify about that night the day after his wedding because the police wants to know if he saw something. “Did you?” Orson asks him but before Jackson can reply, Dave knocks out some glasses Jackson was filling and distracts him. Later, Mike and Katherine arrive with a huge gift for Jackson and Susan, and Mike tells Susan he can afford be generous now that she’s getting remarried and he’s off for alimony. Susan, terrified to lose the money she needs, tells Jackson they can’t get married. Jackson tries to make her change her mind and in the end the two of them agree to tell Mike the truth, so the day after the party Susan goes to Mike’s house to talk to him. Mike’s not there but Katherine makes Susan talk and she tells her everything… unfortunately Katherine was on the phone with Dave and he hears everything about Jackson being illegal.

Katherine promises to talk to Mike so, when that evening Susan receives a message telling her she’ll get her alimony, Jackson and her are very relieved. The message was sent by Katherine though, and Mike doesn’t know anything.

The morning of the wedding, Jackson tells Susan he wants to be a good husband for her and the two of them go out to get married. They find Katherine attaching cans to their car. Unfortunately, the immigration police arrives and they take Jackson away. Dave, hidden behind a wall, smiles.

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