Like a dog in space

Sunday, June 5th 2011

by: Verybookish
Edited by: Marcy

Two friends and I attended today's matinee. Afterward people went up to talk to Gale and the other performers. Gale didn't leave or go backstage, so we went up and waited and talked to him also. I gave him a silly thing I'd brought for him and he seemed very amused. I said I was really happy to see him and he said "I'm glad you came" to me, which was so incredibly sweet. He talked to me for a minute and remembered me from previously meeting me, I think he has an incredible memory. Then he hugged me, which shocked me and just completely blew my mind. He's only the most gorgeous man ever, and so incredibly sweet and nice, I still can't believe he hugged me.
Yeah, we didn't know if he'd stick around and talk to fans, if he'd leave or go backstage. We waited a minut to see what he'd do, and he stayed and was talking to fans and seemed to be receptive so we went up and waited and he was incredibly nice, taking the time to talk to all three of us. It's so great to talk to him--he listens to what you say and responds to you individually. You know you have his attention when you're talking to him, and it's a heady feeling to have this beautiful, incredibly talented man giving you his full attention.