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by: Marcy 27 Sep 2015 3:06 pm

We'd like to thank Mousegray for giving us the permission to share her beautiful pictures taken yesterday september 26th 2015, during the panel!


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by: Marcy 27 Sep 2015 2:26 pm

Hey there!

We added to our gallery more new pictures taken today by Elly during the panel and the auction panel:

....Taken by Pam during the panel... and we added more pictures to Sally's gallery taken today during the panel!


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 2:25 pm

Many many thanks to Margaux for giving us the permission to share her beautiful pic taken today with Gale:


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 1:47 pm

We added to our gallery a some new pictures taken today by Betsy during the panell; by Anita and Inga during the auction panel:


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 12:36 pm

Many many thanks to Anita, who gave us the permission to share her beautiful pictures taken today during the panel!!


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 12:17 pm

We added to our gallery a some pictures taken a few minutes ago by Sally during the panel!!
Thank you Sally!!


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 11:50 am

We added to our gallery a new picture taken a few minutes ago by Inga during the panel!!
Thank you Inga!!


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 11:01 am

Many thanks to Pam for giving us the permission to share her pic taken yesterday with Gale:


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 9:57 am

We added a lot of new pics taken yesterday during the Fanmeet in Bilbao!!

They were taken yesterday by Betsy during the special panel and the panel; by Jasone during the panel; and by Daniela during the special panel and the panel!!

They also gave us the permission to share their pics with Gale!! THANK YOU!!


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by: Ale 27 Sep 2015 9:26 am

Many many thanks to Nicole for giving us the permission to share her pics taken yesterday with Gale:


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